
The Top 14 Cyber Aware Countries #infographic #Cybersecurity

With Britain opting out of the Union, the question of data security regulation is creating a pandemonium as to how the state will respond to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The point of this issue, data protection regulation, is the point of departure of the report from ABI Research and the International Telecommunication Union.

In 2015, hundreds of countries were ranked according to cybersecurity preparedness. In the Global Cybersecurity Index report, one thing stood out: cybersecurity receives a dearth of attention from national government, way less than what it needs to have.

No wonder, in recent months we’ve witnessed some data security problems that different countries struggled with: Commission on Election website in the Philippines was hacked; Bangladesh Bank lost $81 million from hacks, and a decade worth of data from the US Air Force was lost—albeit recovered.

Here’s an infographic by Turrem Data, a UK-based data protection provider, that takes a look at how different nation states are performing on protecting their government and citizens from cyber-attacks and data breaches. This is both a warning and a challenge for the international community.

Here’s an infographic by Turrem Data, a UK-based data protection provider, that takes a look at how different nation states are performing on protecting their government and citizens from cyber-attacks and data breaches. This is both a warning and a challenge for the international community.

An Infographic by

Maria Kennedy

Content crafter at Infographic List. Maria Kennedy is a content creator by day and a yogi by night. When she is not working on her blogs, you can find her playing with her three boys or travelling in their van. Don't miss out on her travel and food blog >>> Travel for Food Hub.

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