Forget about snakes, spiders and crocs – the tiny Paralysis Tick may be the deadliest animal that most Australian dogs ever cross paths with. About the size of a match-head, the Paralysis Tick carries a deadly poison. Researchers at the University of Sydney, estimate that 10,000 dogs are bitten by Paralysis Ticks each year, and approximately 500 dogs die annually from Paralysis Tick poisoning! The good news is that Paralysis Ticks are highly preventable. Stay current on your dog’s flea prevention regimen, be aware of areas where Paralysis Ticks are likely to live, and thoroughly check your dog for ticks any time they have been exposed. We’ve put together a handy infographic that details other steps you can take to keep your dog safe from Paralysis Ticks and what to do if they become infected.
An infographic by Top 10 Pet Insurance.