
10 Essential Facts About Nursing You Need To Know #infographic #nursing

There are approximately 4 million nurses in the United States of the America! Sounds a lot, but unfortunately – it isn’t. Actually, there are only 50 nurses per 10,000 people, and we are in a serious shortage within this particular profession.

This means that the demand in this sector is extremely high lately. In fact, until the end of the year 2020, we will need about 20% more nurses to work in hospitals, physical offices and, where we need them the most, home care.

Although it seems that the millennials aren’t that interested in this profession (only 200,000 of applicants passed the Registered Nurse exam in 2015), men are slowly becoming more and more interested in this profession. In fact, almost 10% of nurses in the US are male nurses.

If you want to learn more about this noble profession, here are 10 interesting facts about registered nurses. Find out the highest paying nursing specialties, the highest and lowest paying states for nurses, and much more in this infographic down below!


An infographic by

Maria Kennedy

Content crafter at Infographic List. Maria Kennedy is a content creator by day and a yogi by night. When she is not working on her blogs, you can find her playing with her three boys or travelling in their van. Don't miss out on her travel and food blog >>> Travel for Food Hub.

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