
The stages of Fentanyl addiction

Fentanyl is far more powerful than the street drugs of yesteryear, with some experts estimating that it’s 50 times more potent than heroin or morphine. Unlike other street drugs, fentanyl addiction can begin from the first moment the drug is taken, and can cause a plethora of issues that the user or addict faces in the long term. 

A lot of people misunderstand the potency and addictiveness of this drug. To shine more light on the topic, the team at SJRP Drug and Alcohol Rehab Florida have created a helpful infographic that can give you a better idea of just how scary (and fast) the path to addiction with this drug truly is. 

If you or a loved one is suffering from fentanyl addiction, there are a variety of resources available to you that can help. Learn more by visiting online.

Maria Kennedy

Content crafter at Infographic List. Maria Kennedy is a content creator by day and a yogi by night. When she is not working on her blogs, you can find her playing with her three boys or travelling in their van. Don't miss out on her travel and food blog >>> Travel for Food Hub.

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