What Employers Need To Know About Remote Workers #Infographic #RemoteWorking


Remote working is on the rise. Thanks to technology it is now easier to work anytime and from anywhere in the world. Online collaboration has also made it possible for employers to get the best possible talent on a global scale. Working in a physical office is slowly becoming a thing of the past.

Remote working offers an ideal setup for both the worker and the employee as it offers a lot of advantages over the 9 to 5 office work setup. That is why remote workers are very much happy as well.

In this infographic, Time Doctor, a time tracking software company, looked at how satisfied remote workers are in their work setup. Using data from TINYPulse, 509 remote workers from the United States were surveyed as to their experiences in their respective workplaces. Their responses were then compared to 200,000 employees from other work arrangements.

The infographic below shows some of the key results.

An infographic by Time Doctor.

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