The 10 Commandments of Pinball Repair and Maintenance #Infographic #Pinball


Repairing your appraised Pinball Machine could be a challenge. In the first place, it is hard to decide whether to open the machine or not. Understandably, this is because there are a lot of pieces and parts inside this machine that need extra care in handling. A wrong move or using inappropriate tools can break a piece that will only aggravate the problem.

Thus, repairing the machine with proper tools and following correct practices is crucial. As in all kinds of repair job, proper handling with right tools are imperative to achieve the goal. Additionally, prevention is important to minimize the need for repair. Always remember that your machine demands regular maintenance.

If you have decided to unscrew your pinball cabinet, this infographic will greatly help you. Pinball Sales Australia, with its expertise in Pinball Machines summed up 10 must follow instructions to efficiently fix and restore your machine.

An infographic by Pinball Sales Australia.

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