There is no need to prove that babies are different from grown-ups. Mainly, because of the different goals we have. Most adults are spending time trying to find their place in life. While a baby has just started discovering the room it has been placed in.
Fun baby fact – it can’t cry. The little human screams a lot, yes. But have you ever witnessed a tear drop from its cheek? If you think that the answer is affirmative, have a closer look at a crying baby the next time. Nope, no tears. And why do we talk about our miniature copies in a high, annoying voice? Whether you are a cute mommy or a tough man, we all experienced that. Is there actually a scientific reason for us switching to a high-pitched voice? Say no more. The following exciting baby facts will not only surprise you but also give an answer to these and more questions.
An infographic by ScienceLass.